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CA DMV Practice Test 1
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1) You want to make a right turn at an upcoming intersection. You should slow down and:
When preparing for a right turn, slowing down and moving toward the right side of your lane allows for a safer and smoother turn, reducing the risk of colliding with vehicles to your left.
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2) Dim your high-beam headlights to low-beams within ______ feet when a vehicle is coming towards you.
Dimming headlights within 500 feet is crucial to prevent blinding oncoming drivers, promoting visibility and safety on the road.
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3) All the following practices are dangerous to do while driving. Which of these is also illegal?
Listening to music through headphones covering both ears is not only dangerous as it impairs awareness of the surroundings, but it is also illegal as it hinders a driver’s ability to hear important auditory cues on the road.
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4) You are driving and a dust storm blows across the freeway reducing your visibility. You should drive slower and turn on your:
Driving slower and turning on headlights in reduced visibility conditions, such as a dust storm, improves visibility for both the driver and other road users, enhancing overall safety.
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5) A blue curb means:
Blue curbs are designated for parking by individuals with disabilities who possess a special placard or license plate, providing accessible parking spaces.
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6) You may legally block an intersection:
It is illegal to block an intersection under any circumstances, even if you entered on a green light or during rush hour.
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7) Do not begin crossing railroad tracks if:
Crossing railroad tracks without sufficient room to completely clear the tracks poses a significant safety risk. It is essential to ensure that there is enough space on the other side before proceeding.
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8) It is illegal to park your vehicle:
Parking in an unmarked crosswalk is illegal because it obstructs pedestrian visibility and violates traffic laws, posing safety risks and impeding traffic flow. Note : An unmarked crosswalk refers to a pedestrian crossing area on a roadway that is not explicitly marked with painted lines or other visible indications.
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9) Roadways are least slippery:
Roads are often most slippery during the first rain after a dry spell because accumulated oil and debris make the surface slippery. After it has been raining for a while, they become less slippery as the oil and debris gets washed away
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10) You are getting ready to make a right turn. You should:
Before making a right turn, it’s important to slow down or stop, check for oncoming traffic from the left and right, and proceed when it is safe to do so.
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11) When you park on a hill, your vehicle could roll due to an equipment failure. Remember to:
When parking on a hill, it is advisable to set the parking brake to prevent the vehicle from rolling.
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12) You are driving on a freeway and the posted speed limit is 65 mph. The traffic is traveling at 70 mph. You may legally drive:
Even if traffic is moving faster than the posted speed limit, you must not exceed the posted limit. It is important to adhere to the speed limit for safety and compliance with traffic laws.
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13) There is a school bus ahead of you in your lane with flashing yellow lights. You should:
Flashing yellow lights on a school bus indicate that the bus is preparing to stop, and drivers should slow down and be prepared to stop to ensure the safety of children boarding or exiting the bus.
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14) You must obey instructions from school safety patrols or crossing guards:
Obeying instructions from school safety patrols or crossing guards is crucial at all times to ensure the safety of children crossing streets. Following their directions helps prevent accidents and promotes a safe environment around schools.
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15) Which of these is not a pedestrian:
Bicyclists are not considered pedestrians; they are operators of vehicles on roadways.
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16) California’s “Basic Speed Law” says:
The Basic Speed Law emphasizes driving at a speed that is safe for the current road and weather conditions. This means drivers must adjust their speed based on factors such as weather, visibility, traffic flow, and road conditions to ensure safe driving. If conditions necessitate a speed lower than the posted limit, drivers are expected to drive slower to maintain safety.
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17) When is it safe to enter an intersection on a solid green light?
Entering an intersection on a solid green light is safe when you have sufficient space to cross before the light changes. It ensures that you can clear the intersection without causing congestion or blocking traffic.
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18) A person convicted of reckless driving or engaging in a speed contest that causes injury to another person is subject to:
A person convicted of reckless driving or engaging in a speed contest in California that causes injury may face imprisonment and/or fines
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19) You just sold your vehicle. You must notify ______ within 5 days.
To update ownership records and transfer responsibilities, it is mandatory to notify the DMV within 5 days after selling a vehicle.
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20) Which of the following statements about blind spots is true?
Larger vehicles, such as trucks, generally have larger blind spots, also known as “no-zones,” compared to smaller passenger vehicles.
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21) When you are merging onto the freeway, you should be driving:
Merging at a speed similar to the freeway traffic allows for a smoother transition, minimizing disruptions and promoting the safe and efficient flow of vehicles.
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22) You may not park your vehicle:
Parking next to a red painted curb is prohibited as it indicates a no-parking zone. Red curbs are typically designated for emergency vehicles or other specific restrictions, and parking there can impede traffic flow or pose safety risks.
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23) What should a driver do at a crosswalk with flashing lights:
When encountering a crosswalk with flashing lights, drivers should be alert, look for pedestrians, and be prepared to come to a stop to ensure pedestrian safety.
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24) The safest precaution you can take regarding the use of cell phones and driving is:
To minimize distractions and prioritize safety, using a cell phone in hands-free mode is recommended while driving. This allows you to maintain focus on the road and surroundings.
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25) When approaching a railroad crossing with no warning device, the speed limit is:
The reduced speed of 15 mph is required when approaching a railroad crossing without warning devices to ensure that drivers can safely stop if necessary, considering the absence of active warnings.
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26) Treat lines as a barrier, when:
Two sets of solid, double yellow lines spaced two or more feet apart indicate a barrier. Crossing these lines is not permitted, as it is unsafe and may lead to collisions with oncoming traffic.
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27) If you are involved in a traffic collision with property damage of $1000 or more, you are required to complete and submit a written report (SR1) to:
If involved in a traffic collision with property damage of $1000 or more, you are required to submit a written report (SR1) to the DMV.
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28) Which of these traffic signal lights directs a driver to slow down and cross the intersection carefully?
A flashing yellow signal indicates that a driver should proceed through the intersection with caution, slowing down and yielding to oncoming traffic.
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29) With a Class C driver’s license, a person may drive a:
A Class C driver’s license allows the operation of a standard car, van, or pick-up truck.
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30) If you are involved in a traffic collision and no one is injured, you are required to complete and submit a written report (SR1) to:
When involved in a collision without injuries, California law requires drivers to submit a written report (SR1) to the DMV to document the incident and facilitate the resolution of insurance and legal matters.
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31) Looking down the road to where your vehicle will be in about 10 seconds helps you to ______________.
Anticipating your vehicle’s position 10 seconds ahead allows for proactive decision-making, reducing the need for sudden, last-minute maneuvers and enhancing overall road safety.
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32) Which of these lanes may a driver enter within 200 feet of an intersection where they plan to turn right?
A driver may enter a bike lane within 200 feet of an intersection when preparing to turn right. However, caution should be exercised to avoid endangering cyclists.
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33) You must drive slower than the posted speed limit:
Driving slower than the posted speed limit is necessary in adverse weather conditions and heavy traffic to maintain control of the vehicle and ensure the safety of yourself and others on the road.
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34) When is it legal for a driver or a passenger in a vehicle to eat cannabis products?
Consumption of cannabis products while driving or as a passenger in a vehicle is never legal, as it impairs cognitive functions and poses a risk to road safety.
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35) When you tailgate other vehicles:
Tailgating, or following too closely, is dangerous and increases the risk of collisions. Maintaining a safe following distance is crucial for reaction time and overall road safety.
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36) You may drive off the paved roadway to pass another vehicle:
According to traffic laws, driving off the paved roadway to pass another vehicle is prohibited under any circumstances for safety reasons and to maintain order on the road.
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37) Which of these is considered a common cause of collision:
Unsafe speed and not following traffic signs are common causes of collisions, making both options correct.
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38) Parallel parking is when the:
Parallel parking is the act of parking a vehicle parallel to the curb or road edge, aligning it with other parked vehicles. It involves carefully maneuvering into a designated space between two cars.
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39) To turn left from a one-way street onto a one-way street, you should start your turn from:
When turning left from a one-way street onto another one-way street, you should start your turn from the lane closest to the left curb.
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40) You are driving on the freeway. The vehicle in front of you is a large truck. You should drive:
Staying farther behind a large truck helps ensure that you are visible to the truck driver and reduces the risk of being in the truck’s blind spot, improving overall safety on the freeway.
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